Long awaited updates
Do you ever put something off for so long because the thought of it is overwhelming? And then the longer you wait, the more anxious you become and the more daunting that task seems? If so, you are my people!
Courage in Time
Courage in Time Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization whose mission is to support families who have experienced stillbirth and infant loss through curated bereavement boxes, grief and postpartum resources, and connection to other bereaved families.
Dads Grieve Too
Our bodies held death inside of it, but our partners have to witness our agony with their hands tied.
Grief is an Ocean
I’ve always described grief as an ocean. When people would ask me how I was doing, I would often imagine myself in that grief ocean and where I was in it. Sometimes I was treading water, sometimes I was wading knee deep, and sometimes I felt like I was drowning. The waves of grief will hit differently too. Somedays you have small waves, far apart. Somedays it’s large grief waves that come out of nowhere and drag you out to sea. And somedays, it’s a beautiful sunny day and you’re sitting on the beach and the grief waves gracefully roll over your legs.
365 days ago
Today may have been the last tangible thing I do for Georgia, but that little girl continues to bless us and others every day.
Our Perfect Dream
I decided since Georgia was our last baby, we were going all out. We had our pastors daughter create a video to announcing that we were expecting a baby girl. I remember the day she sent us the final edited video.
Praise over Anxiety
A few weeks ago, my pastor posted a picture of me and my husband during worship at church. Someone snapped a picture of us, arms raised in worship. He captioned it with this
“This is so inspiring…watching you worship through everything is true leadership!
Rob & Sarah, you are my heroes.”
From the Beginning
At the beginning of 2021, Rob and I had a talk about whether we were done having kids. For some reason, I was feeling like we just weren’t done, but he was certain we were.